Hi all, <br>i'm trying to create the wm mask "wm.nii" with a 4D image of diffusion and the grad.b containing gradient table and the bvalue table in the good format for mrtrix.<br>I use the command : gen_WM_mask -grad grad.b 4Ddata.nii mask.nii wm.nii (or wm.mif)<br>
<br>If I use the nifti format for the wm mask, when i try to open wm.nii with mrview, it tell me <br><br>"mrview: image "./wm.nii" is not in NIfTI format (sizeof_hdr != 348)<br>mrview: error opening image "wm.nii""<br>
<br>If I use the mif format, i can open the mask but it is totally black.<br><br>Can anyone help me?<br>Thank you very much<br><br>Romain<br>