Readme.txt for SPM-normalized subjects OHBM 2017 edition The is the Bravissima human brain major artery database in NIFTI-1 format. Enclosed are both the individual and group files for 43 out of the 61 subjects from the original BraVa database. To read more about how these were generated, see OHBM poster DOI: 10.7490/f1000research.1114378.1 -------------------------- Database files included 1) Group Files - Approximate MNI-152 space a) BravaDist43.nii.gz - all 58 subject artery locations marked out by intersubject mean (i.e. how many subjects have an artrey at a voxel) distance for Left and Right (lh & rh) Hemispheres for the Anterior, Middle, and Posterior Cerebral Arteries (ACA, MCA, PCA). b) BravaSplit43.nii.gz - marks artery branch points for all 43 subjects. c) BravaInferior43.nii.gz - marks out the Circle of Willis (CoW) and carotid. d) BravaLocSide43.nii.gz - where Side = "rh" or "lh", and Loc is "ACA", "MCA" or "PCA" marks the approximate distance in mm along the artery starting at the Circle of Willis. 2) Individual Files: in in MNI-152 space a) srcb*.nii - artery branching code for an individual b) srcd*.nii - distance along artery from the Circle of Willis c) srcg*.nii - artery locations coded by group (LH or RH ; ACA, MCA, or PCA) d) srcr*.nii - artery radius at voxel location e) srcs*.nii - artery branching locations ------------------------------- Matlab/Octave scripts included The norman.m script is the primary script by which NIFTI Brava files from the hand normalization version were normalized using MRA images to MNI_152 space. There is a link to the MRA images at the BraVa website You also need to obtain Jimmy Shen's NIFTI toolbox for Matlab to read in the files ( if you wish to execute "norman.m". You also need a gzip program to zip the files and the SPM8 toolbox to do the normalization. -------------------------------- License: Attribution Our work is derivative of that of the BraVa database that requires you to reference it in two ways: Susan N. Wright, Peter Kochunov, Fernando Mut Maurizio Bergamino, Kerry M. Brown, John C. Mazziotta, Arthur W. Toga, Juan R. Cebral, Giorgio A. Ascoli. Digital reconstruction and morphometric analysis of human brain arterial vasculature from magnetic resonance angiography. NeuroImage, 82, 170-181, (2013). It would be swell if you could also reference our project as well: Thanks, Timothy Herron tjherron at ebire dot org All opinions contained herein are those of the authors and not of the US Department of Veterans Affairs nor of the United States Government.