Copyright 1999-2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc. NITRC Community News NITRC Community Latest News Medical Image De-Identification Benchmark (MIDI-B) Challenge The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is excited to announce the launch of the Medical Image De-Identification Benchmark (MIDI-B) Challenge ( with the goal of assessing rule-based DICOM de-identification (deID) algorithms using a large and diverse set of standardized clinical images with synthetic identifiers. Automated image de-identification methods that reserve the research utility of the data are desirable.<br /> <br /> To learn more, please visit the website: MIDI-B De-identification - syn53065760 - Wiki ( (<br /> <br /> Participation by teams from industry and academia is encouraged. Please forward this information to interested colleagues. NITRC Community David Kennedy Tue, 18 Jun 2024 3:16:55 GMT XNAT Central Migration to NITRC-IR XNAT Central, a long-standing data sharing platform, has reached its end of life. As a result, NITRC-IR has adopted major projects from XNAT Central. Two exemplary high-profile datasets migrating are:<br /> <br /> Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS)<br /> <br /> This multimodal dataset from the Knight ADRC at Washington University includes cross-sectional and longitudinal neuroimaging, clinical, cognitive, and biomarker data for normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. It includes data for OASIS-Cross-sectional and OASIS-Longitudinal studies. It has been widely used for analyses, atlas development, and segmentation algorithms.<br /> <br /> Northwestern University Schizophrenia Data and Software Tool (NUSDAST)<br /> <br /> NUSDAST is an NIH-funded data sharing project to stimulate new research in schizophrenia that contains neuroimaging, cognitive, clinical, and genetic data from over 450 subjects with schizophrenia, most with 2-year longitudinal follow-up.<br /> <br /> Find these and other datasets at<br /> NITRC Community NITRC Moderator Thu, 13 Jun 2024 1:38:17 GMT Healthy Brain Network Data Release 11.0 Dear Colleagues,<br /> <br /> We are happy to announce Release 11 of the Healthy Brain Network (HBN) dataset. Leveraging a community-referred recruitment model, HBN is a large transdiagnostic open science database. It includes phenotypic and behavioral monitoring, MRI, EEG, eye tracking, and biological data. Please visit the HBN Scientific Data Portal (;utm_source=oneoff&amp;utm_campaign=new-indi-release-2024-06&amp;utm_content=cmi_healthy_brain_network) for detailed information about the initiative and the dataset. As always, you can email us ( for user support and discussion.<br /> <br /> Regards,<br /> <br /> The HBN and DISK Teams<br /> <br /> RELEASED DATA CUTOFF DATE: 11/23/2022<br /> <br /> Release Contents<br /> <br /> Phenotypic data<br /> New datasets: n=728<br /> Total datasets: n=4867<br /> Neuroimaging data<br /> EEG and eye tracking<br /> New datasets: n=572<br /> Total datasets: n=4142<br /> Multi-modal MRI<br /> New datasets: n=459<br /> Total datasets: n=3905<br /> Website and Documentation Update<br /> <br /> April 2024:<br /> <br /> The HBN website and documentation has undergone a significant update and improvement, which includes:<br /> <br /> A new and up-to-date assessment list, which contains extensive information about all HBN instruments and tasks<br /> Updates to our data dictionaries<br /> Updates to the HBN support forum<br /> Data Additions<br /> <br /> November 2022:<br /> <br /> Phenotypic Data:<br /> The CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey (CRISIS) data for Healthy Brain Network participants have been added into the release (only on LORIS). Data was collected at two time points: April 2020 and February 2021. For more information about CRISIS please visit the Crisis Survey.<br /> Data Fixes<br /> <br /> November 2022:<br /> <br /> Phenotypic Data:<br /> Removed duplicated rows for the following assessments:<br /> Child Behavior Checklist – Teacher Report Form (TRF)<br /> Daily Meds<br /> Fixed assessments on COINS that had duplicated participants due to upload errors into the COINS platform. Assessments that may have experienced this error are:<br /> CFS<br /> GARS<br /> GRIT<br /> GSE<br /> IUQ_P<br /> IUQ_SR<br /> KSADS<br /> PBS<br /> Peds_Migraine<br /> PMHS<br /> PreInt_Lang<br /> RemoteTask<br /> TBI<br /> WAIS<br /> WISC<br /> April 2024:<br /> <br /> Phenotypic Data:<br /> Separated Diagnosis_KSADS into three instruments: Diagnosis_KSADS_T, Diagnosis_KSADS_P, Diagnosis_KSADS_D (teen, parent, clinician)<br /> Removed duplicated participants from HBN_R4_Pheno, HBN_R7_Pheno, HBN_R8_Pheno, HBN_R10_Pheno<br /> Removed the following duplicate instruments from LORIS<br /> AUDIT (duplicate of Audit)<br /> Renamed the following instruments on LORIS:<br /> ARI_S &gt; ARI_SR<br /> Bia_final &gt; BIA<br /> FFQ_final &gt; FFQ<br /> temp_disc_final &gt; Temp_Disc_Final<br /> Indicated in SRS_Pre data dictionary that the T-Score standardization is based on a sample of children &lt; 4.5 years old and thus might be inaccurate for children above this age<br /> Fixed the coding of the following data dictionaries:<br /> CPIC<br /> DTS<br /> GRIT<br /> ICU_P<br /> ICU_SR<br /> SCQ<br /> SDQ<br /> SRS<br /> SRS_Pre<br /> STAI<br /> Other Fixes and Updates:<br /> <br /> As of April 2024, we are reviewing data overlaps between the following instruments on LORIS:<br /> ACE_Flanker and ACE_FLANKER<br /> TRF_P and TRF_Pre<br /> CELF_Meta and CELF5_Meta<br /> PhenX_School and PhenX_SchoolRisk<br /> PreInt_FamHx and PreInt_FamHx_RDC<br /> While all EEG participants have age and sex data available, not all EEG participants have phenotypic assessment data available at this time. Those data items will be released in Release 12. Find links to imaging data downloads on our data portal. 1000 Functional Connectomes Project David Kennedy Thu, 06 Jun 2024 1:07:14 GMT ARTS version 1.1.1 is now available This version can handle dicom data that contain parentheses in the SeriesDescription. Previous versions generated error messages when encountering parentheses in the SeriesDescription of dicom data. <br /> <br /> ARTS scores are not affected by this update. ARTS biomarker Konstantinos Arfanakis Thu, 23 May 2024 12:51:50 GMT NITRC-CE v0.57-14 released We are pleased to announce the release of NITRC-CE v0.57-14. This release updates the base system to Ubuntu 22.04 and updates installed packages to the latest available versions.<br /> <br /> NITRC-CE Classic and LITE are now available on AWS Marketplace and as AWS AMIs.<br /> <br /> For more information, see NITRC Community NITRC Moderator Tue, 07 May 2024 7:49:40 GMT NBS-Predict v1.0.0-beta.12 released We reintroduced leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) to classification and fixed minor bugs in our GUI. Note that LOOCV is not available for regression. <br /> <br /> Don't hesitate to try out our updated features and take your data analysis to the next level! NBS-Predict: A Prediction-based Extension of the Network-based Statistic Emin Serin Thu, 04 Apr 2024 1:27:22 GMT SOBP BrainHack, May 7-8, 2024, Austin TX Going to Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) annual meeting this May? Want more time to think? Want more time to code? Want more time to collaborate? The SOBP BrainHack is the place to be! May 7th&amp;8th, 2024. <br /> <br /> Details at; <br /> Registration at <br /> <br /> Space is limited, register soon! ReproNim: A Center for Reproducible Neuroimaging Computation David Kennedy Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:01:29 GMT NITRC 2.1.68 released We are pleased to announce the release of NITRC Version 2.1.68.<br /> <br /> This release features the import of GitHub topics to NITRC tool categorizations. NITRC administrators are encouraged to link to GitHub projects, if applicable, to automatically update NITRC with GitHub project information and releases.<br /> <br /> This release also includes a number of usability bug fixes.<br /> <br /> Release notes can be found at<br /> NITRC Community NITRC Moderator Thu, 21 Mar 2024 4:13:05 GMT NeuroDOT Request for Feedback NeuroDOT is actively interested in obtaining community feedback engagement on our GitHub page (, the openfNIRS forum (, and here on NITRC.<br /> <br /> If you have any suggestions or questions regarding NeuroDOT, please submit your feedback through this Google Form:<br /> <br /> -Emma Speh NeuroDOT Emma Speh Tue, 12 Mar 2024 3:44:33 GMT March Data Sharing and Reuse Seminar Join NIH Office of Data Science Strategy (ODSS) at the March Data Sharing and Reuse Seminar!<br /> Dr. Kilian Pohl will present &quot;Accelerating Neuroscience Discovery Using Shared Software and Data&quot; on March 8, 2024, at 12 p.m.<br /> <br /> The monthly series highlights researchers who have taken existing data and found clever ways to reuse the data or generate new findings. A different NIH institute or center will also share its data science activities each month.<br /> <br /> Event Date: Friday March 8, 2024, from 12-1 p.m.<br /> <br /> Register at:<br /> NITRC Community David Kennedy Fri, 08 Mar 2024 3:02:37 GMT