Copyright 1999-2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc. ARTS biomarker News ARTS biomarker Latest News ARTS version 1.1.1 is now available This version can handle dicom data that contain parentheses in the SeriesDescription. Previous versions generated error messages when encountering parentheses in the SeriesDescription of dicom data. <br /> <br /> ARTS scores are not affected by this update. ARTS biomarker Konstantinos Arfanakis Thu, 23 May 2024 12:51:50 GMT ARTS version 1.1 is now available A new version of the ARTS biomarker was uploaded on September 12th 2022. In this version:<br /> - The QC folder includes screenshots of registration results. <br /> - The chi-squared map for tensor fitting using TORTOISE is generated for additional QC.<br /> - dcm2niix is updated to v1.0.20211006 to handle DICOM data from newer scanner software versions.<br /> <br /> *IMPORTANT* Do not mix ARTS scores from v1.1 and v1.0 as they are supposed to be different. If you have ARTS scores on a number of subjects from v1.0 and ARTS scores on another group of subjects from v1.1, do not mix the scores from the two versions in the same analysis. Only use ARTS scores generated from the same version. <br /> <br /> <br /> ARTS biomarker Konstantinos Arfanakis Tue, 13 Sep 2022 3:16:35 GMT New ARTS version A new version of the ARTS biomarker was uploaded on March 18th 2021. In the new version of ARTS, the user does NOT need to provide information about a participant's years of education. The biomarker was retrained without this feature and its performance was unchanged. ARTS biomarker Konstantinos Arfanakis Wed, 14 Apr 2021 9:44:33 GMT