Copyright 1999-2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc. Arterial Atlas News Arterial Atlas Latest News ArterialAtlas_v2 now is released The atlas covers supra- and infra-tentorial regions and contains hierarchical segmentation levels created by a fusion of vascular and classical anatomical criteria. This deformable 3D digital atlas allows automatic and reproducible exploration of large-scaled data.<br /> <br /> In this version, the following images are provided or updated.<br /> <br /> * Images in “Atlas” folder are in MNI coordinates in 181x217x181 mm^3 <br /> <br /> * Images in “Atlas_182” folder in MNI coordinates in 182x218x182 mm^3 (compatible with FSL) <br /> <br /> * Image descriptions:<br /> <br /> ArterialAtlasLabels.txt: the “lookup table”. <br /> It contains the labels (descriptive and acronyms) for the regions defined in ArterialAtlas.nii and ArterialAtlas_level2.nii. <br /> <br /> ArterialAtlas.nii: Image defining 30 arterial territories and ventricles. <br /> The intensities of the parcels correspond to their labels IDs, listed in the lookup table “ArterialAtlasLabels.txt <br /> <br /> ArterialAtlas_level2.nii: The combination of ArterialAtlas.nii parcels in 4 major territories (ACA, MCA, PCA, VB). <br /> The intensities of the parcels correspond to their labels, listed in the ArterialAtlasLabels.txt <br /> <br /> ProbArterialAtlas_average.nii: 4D image of the arterial territory maps, calculated by averaging of lesion masks. <br /> Each dimension represents the probability of a voxel to belong to a certain vascular territory (ACA, MCA, PCA, VB, respectively). <br /> <br /> ProbArterialAtlas_BMM.nii: 4D image of the arterial territory maps, calculated by the Bernoulli Mixture Model(BMM) method. <br /> Each dimension represents the probability of a voxel to belong to a certain vascular territory (ACA, MCA, PCA, VB, respectively). <br /> <br /> BorderZone_ProbAve.nii: 4D image showing the ratio of average probability maps; <br /> first dimension is MCA / ACA, second dimension is MCA / PCA. <br /> <br /> TerritoryVoxels_BMM.nii: 3D image showing the assignment of voxels to major vascular territories, calculated through the variation in BMM µmax. <br /> The image intensities are: 1. ACA, 2. MCA, 3. PCA, 4. voxels attributed to more than one vascular territory, 5. voxels not attributed to any vascular territory. <br /> <br /> Arterial Atlas CHIN LIU Wed, 13 Oct 2021 5:35:43 GMT ArterialAtlas_zip released We released our ArterialAtlas on NITRC in zip file Arterial Atlas CHIN LIU Mon, 03 May 2021 4:41:10 GMT