Copyright 1999-2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc. Brainwaver News Brainwaver Latest News BrainwaverFX 2.1.0 Released BrainwaverFX 2.1.0 is available from<br /> <br /> BrainwaverFX is a plugin to CambA 2.0.0 (and CamBA 2.1.0 when it is released).<br /> <br /> Please make sure you follow the installation instruction in Help-&gt;Help Conent-&gt;R Plugin/Brainwaver<br /> <br /> Notable Change:<br /> (0)You can now remove columns from *.fmri file in the pipeline. Where needed, you can add header information to *.fmri.<br /> (1)There is a second pipeline &quot;Brainwaver with CamBA Preprocessing&quot; that allows you to start processing for Brainwaver starting from raw fMRI data. Brainwaver Brain Mapping Unit Mon, 17 Dec 2007 7:39:42 GMT