Copyright 1999-2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc.PANDA: a pipeline tool for diffusion MRI News
PANDA: a pipeline tool for diffusion MRI Latest NewsThe dMRI data processing toolbox PANDA v1.3.0 was released
The diffusion MRI data processing toolbox PANDA v1.3.0 ( was released.<br />
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PANDA (Pipeline for Analyzing braiN Diffusion imAges) is a matlab toolbox for pipeline processing of diffusion MRI images. For each subject, PANDA can provide outputs in 2 types: i) diffusion parameter data that is ready for statistical analysis; ii) brain anatomical networks constructed by using diffusion tractography. Particularly, there are 3 types of resultant diffusion parameter data: WM atlas-level, voxel-level and TBSS-level. The brain network generated by PANDA has various edge definitions, e.g. fiber number, length, FA or probability-weighted. <br />
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Some new features were added in this version:<br />
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I. Improvements in data analysis<br />
1. Using the average of all the B0 images as reference for eddycurrent correction.<br />
2. Statistical analysis and results display GUI for TBSS analysis.<br />
3. Combining TBSS and white matter atlas to calculate the average value of skeleton image in each ROI, the results can be statistically analysed using SPSS.<br />
4. T1 template can be defined by the user in the network node definition part.<br />
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II. New Utilities<br />
1. Utility Cluster Locator for localizing the statistically significant areas.<br />
2. Utility White Matter Mask for calculating white matter mask using FA images of all subjects.<br />
3. Utility ROI-mask Extractor for extracting ROI from prior atlas.<br />
4. Utility Between-atlas Mapping for mapping high-resolution atlas to anatomical atlas, such as mapping random 1024 atlas to the 90 AAL atlas.<br />
5. Utility ROI-mean Extractor for calculating average value of an image in the mask.<br />
6. Utility Merge NIfTI for merging multiple 3D images into a 4D image.<br />
7. Utility Image Smoother for smoothing NIFTI images.<br />
8. Adding two parameters (-S: eye & optic nerve cleanup, and –B: bias field & neck cleanup) for Utility Brain Extraction (T1).<br />
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III. Others<br />
1. Fixing some bugs in previous version<br />
2. Writing a detailed manual document which elaborates the questions asked by the users before.PANDA: a pipeline tool for diffusion MRIZaixu CuiWed, 26 Aug 2015 1:29:44 GMTThe new version of PANDA was released
PANDA (Pipeline for Analyzing braiN Diffusion imAges) is a matlab toolbox for pipeline processing of diffusion MRI images. For each subject, PANDA can provide outputs in 2 types: i) diffusion parameter data that is ready for statistical analysis; ii) brain anatomical networks constructed by using diffusion tractography. Particularly, there are 3 types of resultant diffusion parameter data: WM atlas-level, voxel-level and TBSS-level. The brain network generated by PANDA has various edge definitions, e.g. fiber number, length, FA or probability-weighted. <br />
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Now, the version 2 of PANDA has been finished, in which a few bugs are fixed and many new functions ( are added.<br />
In addition, we have made a mailing list ( for PANDA. We will send update information of PANDA through this mailing list in the future. Please join in the mailling list if you like.<br />
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Thanks for your interests and supports on our work!PANDA: a pipeline tool for diffusion MRIZaixu CuiTue, 30 Apr 2013 3:43:25 GMT