Copyright 1999-2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc. BraTumIA (Brain Tumor Image Analysis) News BraTumIA (Brain Tumor Image Analysis) Latest News Going deep... Dear BraTumIA users<br /> For many years we have supported BraTumIA, we now highly recommend testing our Deep Learning version of the tool called, DeepBraTuMIA, available at:<br /><br /> We hope this development will be useful for your research<br /> Regards<br /> The DeepBraTumIA dev team<br /> BraTumIA (Brain Tumor Image Analysis) Mauricio Reyes Mon, 25 Jul 2022 7:46:39 GMT BraTumIA Release v2.0 We are happy to announce the release of BraTumIA v2.0. <br /> This is a major release, and includes:<br /> <br /> - Complete new GUI<br /> - BATCH processing through CSV file defining set of cases ( Rows of the CSV: T1Path T1CPath T2Path FlairPath FolderName (optional) )<br /> - Minimize app to system tray (ideal for batch processing)<br /> - BraTumIA can handle pre and post-operative GBM cases<br /> - Available for Windows, MacOS and Linux<br /> <br /> Click Downloads on the left menu to request access to the tool. We look forward to your feedback and hope it can leverage your research<br /> BraTumIA (Brain Tumor Image Analysis) Mauricio Reyes Mon, 21 May 2018 4:38:44 GMT New release of BraTumIA (Brain Tumor Image Analysis) v1.2 Dear NITRC community, <br /> It is our pleasure to announce the release of BraTumIA (Brain Tumor Image Analysis) version 1.2.<br /> <br /><br /> <br /> BraTumIA is a software dedicated to multimodal image analysis of brain tumor studies.<br /> <br /> It performs volumetric segmentation of healthy and tumor tissues by employing multispectral MRI sequences (currently T1, T1-contrast, T2-contrast, and FLAIR). Segmented tissues include Gray Matter (GM), White Matter (WM), Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), necrotic core, edema, non-enhancing tumor and enhancing tumor.<br /> <br /> BraTumIA comes as a GUI-based windows tool and is free for research purposes.<br /> <br /> We hope the tool will be helpful for your research projects and look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions. <br /> <br /> Kind regards, <br /> Mauricio Reyes, Prof. Dr.<br /> Group Head, Medical Image Analysis<br /> Institute for Surgical Technology and Biomechanics<br /> University of Bern<br /> Stauffacherstrasse 78<br /> CH-3014 Bern<br /> Tel +41 31 631 59 50<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> BraTumIA (Brain Tumor Image Analysis) Mauricio Reyes Fri, 23 May 2014 3:37:38 GMT