Copyright 1999-2000 VA Linux Systems, Inc. isc-toolbox: Inter-subject correlation analysis for fMRI in Matlab News isc-toolbox: Inter-subject correlation analysis for fMRI in Matlab Latest News ISCtoolbox v3.0 released! Changes:<br /> Added new functionality:<br /> - Functional segmentation of fMRI data based on multiple measures from the same patient group. Initial method developed within Study Forrest challenge:<br /> - Group comparison for ISC analysis. Pre-pub available at:<br /> - Global signal regression<br /> <br /> Additional fixes:<br /> - support for current Matlag figure handlers<br /> - corrected errors with Slurm/SGE support<br /> - enabled support for nii.gz: warning using gz files makes validation phase of UI extremely slow.<br /> - reformatted UI(s)<br /> - added option to remove unnecessary files when computing is ready isc-toolbox: Inter-subject correlation analysis for fMRI in Matlab Juha Pajula Tue, 28 May 2019 5:57:14 GMT Transition to NITRC We are (slowly) transferring the ISC Toolbox from Google code to NITRC. The old Google code pages are still up , but all the new things will appear only in these NITRC pages. For old versions of the Toolbox, please go to the Google code page<br /> <br /> The transition will hopefully be complete during the summer 2015.<br /> isc-toolbox: Inter-subject correlation analysis for fMRI in Matlab Jussi Tohka Mon, 03 Aug 2015 3:17:48 GMT