SmartSelect = "yes"; Coil 1 (exclude) = "None"; Uniformity = "CLEAR"; FOV (mm) = 210; RFOV (%) = 100; Fold-over suppression = "no"; Matrix scan = 80; reconstruction = 80; Scan percentage (%) = 97.2222214; SENSE = "yes"; P reduction (AP) = 2; MB SENSE = "no"; k-t BLAST = "no"; Stacks = 1; type = "parallel"; slices = 38; Slice thickness (mm) = 3; slice gap = "user defined"; gap (mm) = 1; slice orientation = "transverse"; fold-over direction = "AP"; fat shift direction = "P"; Stack Offc. AP (P=+mm) = 10.4720631; RL (L=+mm) = -0.721902549; FH (H=+mm) = 34.7839699; Ang. AP (deg) = -2.70412731; RL (deg) = -3.07906342; FH (deg) = 1.58458126; Free rotatable = "no"; Minimum number of packages = 1; Slice scan order = "FH"; Large table movement = "no"; PlanAlign = "no"; REST slabs = 0; Interactive positioning = "no"; External control = "no"; Patient position = "head first"; Patient body position = "head first"; Patient orientation = "supine"; Patient body orientation = "supine"; Scan type = "Imaging"; Scan mode = "MS"; technique = "FFE"; Contrast enhancement = "no"; Acquisition mode = "cartesian"; Fast Imaging mode = "EPI"; shot mode = "single-shot"; Echoes = 1; partial echo = "no"; shifted echo = "no"; TE = "user defined"; (ms) = 22; Flip angle (deg) = 90; TR = "user defined"; (ms) = 2000; Halfscan = "no"; Water-fat shift = "minimum"; RF Shims = "fixed"; Shim = "auto"; mDIXON = "no"; Fat suppression = "SPIR"; strength = "strong"; frequency offset = "user defined"; offset (Hz) = 175; Water suppression = "no"; MTC = "no"; Diffusion mode = "no"; T1 mapping = "no"; Multi-transmit = "yes"; SAR mode = "high"; B1 mode = "default"; SAR allow first level = "yes"; PNS mode = "high"; Gradient mode = "maximum"; SofTone mode = "no"; Cardiac synchronization = "no"; Respiratory compensation = "no"; Navigator respiratory comp = "no"; Flow compensation = "no"; Temporal slice spacing = "default"; fMRI echo stabilisation = "no"; NSA = 1; MRE enable = "no"; Angio / Contrast enh. = "no"; Quantitative flow = "no"; Manual start = "yes"; Dynamic study = "individual"; dyn scans = 150; dyn scan times = "shortest"; dummy scans = 1; immediate subtraction = "no"; fast next scan = "no"; synch. ext. device = "yes"; start at dyn. = 1; interval (dyn) = 1; dyn stabilization = "enhanced"; prospect. motion corr. = "no"; Keyhole = "no"; Arterial Spin labeling = "no"; Preparation phases = "full"; Interactive F0 = "no"; B0 field map = "no"; MIP/MPR = "no"; SWIp = "no"; Images = "M", (3) "no"; Autoview image = "M"; Calculated images = (4) "no"; Reference tissue = "Grey matter"; Recon compression = "No"; Preset window contrast = "soft"; Reconstruction mode = "real time"; reuse memory = "no"; Save raw data = "no"; Hardcopy protocol = "no"; Image filter = "system default"; Uniformity correction = "no"; Geometry correction = "default"; IF_info_seperator = 1634755923; Total scan duration = "05:06.0"; Rel. SNR = 3.79956412; Act. TR/TE (ms) = "2000 / 22"; Dyn. scan time = "00:02.0"; Time to k0 = "0.992"; ACQ voxel MPS (mm) = "2.63 / 2.69 / 3.00"; REC voxel MPS (mm) = "2.63 / 2.63 / 3.00"; Scan percentage (%) = 97.5; Packages = 1; Min. slice gap (mm) = -0; EPI factor = 39; Act. WFS (pix) / BW (Hz) = "10.533 / 41.2"; BW in EPI freq. dir. (Hz) = "2195.9"; Min. WFS (pix) / Max. BW (Hz) = "8.044 / 54.0"; Min. TR/TE (ms) = "1729 / 13"; SPIR offset act./default (Hz) = "175 [220]"; Head SAR = "< 38 %"; Whole body SAR / level = "< 0.1 W/kg / normal"; SED = " 0.0 kJ/kg"; Coil Power = "38 %"; Max B1+rms = "1.44 uT"; PNS / level = "87 % / 1st level"; dB/dt = "119.4 T/s"; Sound Pressure Level (dB) = 18.4426022;