CAT12.8.2 r2170: 1/1: .\SOLO_NFL\dbm\T1_concussion\1002.nii
SANLM denoising (medium) 34s
APP: Rough bias correction
Initialize 6s
Estimate background 4s
Initial correction 6s
Refine background 4s
Final correction 5s
Final scaling 6s
Correct center-of-mass 5s
Affine registration 10s
SPM preprocessing 1 (estimate 1 - TPM registration): 51s
SPM preprocessing 1 (estimate 2): 62s
SPM preprocessing 2 (write)
Write Segmentation 18s
Update Segmentation 14s
Update Skull-Stripping 20s
Update probability maps 5s
Global intensity correction 8s
SANLM denoising after intensity normalization (medium) 7s
Fast Optimized Shooting registration 30s
Local adaptive segmentation (LASstr=0.50)
Prepare maps 2s
Prepare partitions 1s
Prepare segments (LASmod = 1.00) 6s
Estimate local tissue thresholds (WM) 10s
Estimate local tissue thresholds (GM) 13s
Intensity transformation 0s
SANLM denoising after LAS (medium) 17s
ROI segmentation (partitioning)
Atlas -> subject space 5s
Major structures 2s
Ventricle detection 7s
Blood vessel detection 6s
WMH detection (WMHCstr=0.50 > WMHCstr'=0.23) 13s
Manual stroke lesion detection 0s
Closing of deep structures 1s
Side alignment 2s
Final corrections 2s
Blood vessel correction (BVCstr=0.50) 0s
Amap using initial SPM12 segmentations (MRF filter strength 0.06) 54s
AMAP peaks: [CSF,GM,WM] = [0.36±0.07,0.68±0.08,0.98±0.05]
Final cleanup (gcutstr=0.25)
Level 1 cleanup (ROI estimation) 2s
Level 1 cleanup (brain masking) 2s
Level 2 cleanup (CSF correction) 1s
Level 3 cleanup (CSF/WM PVE) 1s
Optimized Shooting registration with 2.50:-0.25:1.50 mm (regstr=0.50)
Template: "C:\Indi\programas\toolboxes\spm12\toolbox\cat12\templates_MNI152NLin2009cAsym\Template_0_GS.nii"
1 | 2.50 | 0.0885 0.0000 0.0885 | 32.0000
2 | 2.50 | 0.0858 0.0012 0.0870 | 29.4886
3 | 2.50 | 0.0849 0.0019 0.0868 | 26.9772
4 | 2.50 | 0.0844 0.0022 0.0866 | 24.6107
5 | 2.50 | 0.0841 0.0023 0.0864 | 22.6548
6 | 2.50 | 0.0838 0.0024 0.0862 | 20.6989
7 | 2.50 | 0.0835 0.0025 0.0860 | 18.9688
8 | 2.50 | 0.0831 0.0027 0.0858 | 17.4455
9 | 2.50 | 0.0828 0.0028 0.0855 | 15.9223
10 | 2.50 | 0.0824 0.0029 0.0853 | 14.6627
11 | 2.50 | 0.0821 0.0030 0.0850 | 13.4764
12 | 2.50 | 0.0817 0.0031 0.0847 | 12.3015
13 | 2.50 | 0.0813 0.0032 0.0845 | 11.3776
14 | 2.50 | 0.0809 0.0033 0.0842 | 10.4537
15 | 2.25 | 0.0799 0.0034 0.0833 | 9.5920
16 | 2.25 | 0.0769 0.0049 0.0818 | 8.8725
17 | 2.25 | 0.0757 0.0054 0.0811 | 8.1530
18 | 2.25 | 0.0749 0.0057 0.0805 | 7.5234
29 | 2.00 | 0.0762 0.0027 0.0790 | 3.3283
30 | 2.00 | 0.0707 0.0051 0.0758 | 3.1221
31 | 2.00 | 0.0688 0.0061 0.0749 | 2.9160
43 | 1.75 | 0.0677 0.0035 0.0712 | 1.5785
44 | 1.75 | 0.0634 0.0058 0.0692 | 1.5194
45 | 1.75 | 0.0619 0.0067 0.0686 | 1.4626
57 | 1.50 | 0.0602 0.0049 0.0651 | 1.0900
58 | 1.50 | 0.0570 0.0070 0.0640 | 1.0730
59 | 1.50 | 0.0559 0.0077 0.0636 | 1.0579
Shooting registration with 2.50:-0.25:1.50 mm takes 114s
Prepare output 11s
Jacobian determinant (RMS): 0.130168
Template Matching: 0.167779
Write result maps 9s
Surface and thickness estimation
Thickness estimation (0.50 mm³)
WM distance: 41s
CSF distance: 10s
PBT2x thickness: 29s
Create initial surface [Warning: Escaped character '\I' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters.]
[> In cat_io_cprintf (line 335)
In cat_run_newcatch (line 57)
In cat_run>run_job (line 1170)
In cat_run (line 706)
In cfg_run_cm (line 29)
In cfg_util>local_runcj (line 1688)
In cfg_util (line 959)
In cfg_ui>MenuFileRun_Callback (line 703)
In gui_mainfcn (line 95)
In cfg_ui (line 53)]
CAT Preprocessing error for 1002:
Surface file C: 1887 - loadSurf
1034 - cat_surf_createCS2
794 - cat_main1639
1269 - cat_run_job1639
40 - cat_run_newcatch
1170 - run_job
706 - cat_run
29 - cfg_run_cm
1688 - local_runcj
959 - cfg_util
703 - MenuFileRun_Callback
95 - gui_mainfcn
53 - cfg_ui