sdm-help-list > SDM gui for Windows crashes
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Jun 29, 2023  07:06 PM | Frank Van Overwalle - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
SDM gui for Windows crashes

I just installed SDM for Windows. It does not work:

  • the program finds the correct subfolders, but they are still marked red and the folders icons are inaccessible. One folder icon was working, but changing that folder (actually finding the same correct folder) was not enough

  • as soon as I want to convert an *.nii image file, the whole program crashes

Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Jul 13, 2023  06:07 AM | Frank Van Overwalle - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
RE: SDM gui for Windows crashes

I did not receive an answers or help. Please can someone give it a try? 

I attach an SPM T-map file that makes the program crash when I want to convert the image.

If this does not work, I have to use ALE unfortunately, although I have t-maps of all the contrasts that I want to analyze.

Thanks in advance. Frank Van Overwalle (Brussels)

Jul 13, 2023  07:07 AM | Frank Van Overwalle - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
RE: SDM gui for Windows crashes (3)

here is a screen shot for the folders that seem to be incorrect (only the first entry is editable by using the folder icon - still it wrongly claims to that the selected folder is incorrect)

Jul 13, 2023  10:07 AM | Jonah Shepherd - Fresno State
RE: SDM gui for Windows crashes

Originally posted by Frank Van Overwalle:

I just installed SDM for Windows. It does not work:

  • the program finds the correct subfolders, but they are still marked red and the folders icons are inaccessible. One folder icon was working, but changing that folder (actually finding the same correct folder) was not enough

  • as soon as I want to convert an *.nii image file, the whole program crashes

Any advice? Thanks in advance.

Hi Frank,

I also have SDM for Windows and encountered these same issues. Here is what worked for me.

  1. I have attached a screenshot of what my Preferences window looks like when all of the correct folders and subfolders are identified. In order to do so, you need to click the blue folder icon in the All binaries row, then open "SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.22" -> "SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21" -> "bin" and select the "windows64" folder. That should result in having all blue check marks in the Core binaries tab. For the Masks/Templates tab the paths for both the Masks Folder and Templates folder rows are "SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.22" -> "SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21" and select the "share" folder. For the Brain viewer tab the path for the Brain viewer executable row is "MRIcron_windows" -> "MRIcron" -> and select the "mricron.exe" file.
  2. For the converting .nii files issue, what worked for me was following the directions from the pop-up window when you click the Convert Images button: "In case of failure, you might try to firstly copy the original NIFTI file to the meta-analysis directory, secondly open and save the copy with MRICron, and finally convert it with SDM. This seems to fix small issues of the file which prevent a correct conversion by SDM."

Hopefully this helps,

Jonah Shepherd

Jul 13, 2023  11:07 AM | Frank Van Overwalle - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
RE: SDM gui for Windows - repeats asking info on image file for convertion

Hi Jonah,


This helped a lot.

However, new problems arise.

After I converted my image file from MRIcron (with extension *.nii.gz (why don't they tell that one needs this extension?) and select it, the SDM program keeps on asking whether this is a t-map (it is), MNI (it is) and degree of freedom (I entered 48.00), and never stops asking this time after time... Below is my log file:

All help appreciated!

Best, Frank


Launching Image conversion...

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)



Launching Image conversion...

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)



Launching Image conversion...

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_t 48 SDM)

Error on launching Mean (trying C:/Program Files/SdmPsiGui-win64-v6.21/bin/windows64\/imgcalc.exe "C:/Users/fjvoverw/OneDrive/My Experiments/MultiStudies/BasalGanglia/Tmaps_SoSqNsSq/spmT_0004 Pict TrueB Control.nii.gz" -set_mni SDM)