Fwd: Re: [Brains-users] brain mask - problems with automatic definition

Christoph Christmann christoph.christmann at zi-mannheim.de
Mon Feb 19 01:34:35 PST 2007

>hi gene,
>we always used proper talairach bounds. here, we just added the 
>image to some former work where we used the 'talairach box' lines 
>for different orientation purposes.
>are there any further hints regarding the brain mask? dont you have 
>similar problems?
>At Friday 16.02.2007 16:52, you wrote:
>>    Are the red lines on the images you sent the Talairach bounds?
>>If so, they are nowhere near the correct location.  Try re-defining
>>the talairach boundaries, then run the neural net again.
>>    I've attached a picture showing proper talairach boundaries.
>>The 2 points near the center are supposed to be the anterior and
>>posterior commissures.
>>On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 12:35 +0100, Christoph Christmann wrote:
>> > hi,
>> >
>> > the segmented image looks reasonable. I attach some pictures
>> > elucidating the actual situation. I am especially surprised that the
>> > cerebellum border is not found correctly although it seems to be
>> > obvious as you can see in the brain_mask_cor_seg.jpg file. You can
>> > see in the other two images, that T1 and T1 is realigned quite well
>> > (cost function < 0.45).
>> >
>> > If you would have any idea to use other programs to get the brain
>> > mask I would try this way, too. Actually, we started with BrainSuite
>> > but found it to be less precise, too - although in other regions.
>> > Maybe we end up with an SPM or FSL segmentation for the mask.
>> >
>> > Best regards
>> >
>> > Christoph
>Christoph Christmann                  christoph.christmann at zi-mannheim.de
>Psychologist, MEE                     Fon/Fax +49 621 1703 63 18/05
>Central Institute of Mental Health    http://www.zi-mannheim.de
>Department of Clinical                D-68159 Mannheim J5
>and Cognitive Psychology

Christoph Christmann                  christoph.christmann at zi-mannheim.de
Psychologist, MEE                     Fon/Fax +49 621 1703 63 18/05
Central Institute of Mental Health    http://www.zi-mannheim.de
Department of Clinical                D-68159 Mannheim J5
and Cognitive Psychology                       

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