[dmritool-discussion] Building DMRITool with MKL

Abrar Faiyaz abrarfaiyaz.iutcse at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 11:29:54 EDT 2022


I have trying to build dmritool with MKL library. In the  ccmake
../dmritool , configure and generate worked well.

The error occurs when I try to run “make”. Screenshots attached for further
clarification. I noticed that MKL library I have installed is not the
version that’s downloaded and installed. And although configure says it
found the MKL directory (as follows) it looks like MKL_INCLUDE_DIR,
MKL_LIB_DIR these directories don’t exist. I’m not sure how I can update
these wrong references. I think these variables are auto-generated somehow
based on MKLROOT_PATH. But I didn’t have any luck playing with it.

MKL is found at /opt/intel/mkl

 Found MKL libraries:

 MKL_INCLUDE_DIR: /opt/intel/mkl/include

 MKL_LIB_DIR: /opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64





Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Abrar F

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