[Gat-commits] Error functional analyses: Index exceeds matrix dimensions

Hannelore Aerts Hannelore.Aerts at UGent.be
Wed May 4 04:27:24 PDT 2016

Dear GAT experts,

I'm trying to run some graph theoretical analyses on resting-state fMRI data, but in the first step (Network Measures) I already get this error:

please type name of the Data set in single quotation:  'ABIDE'
please type the lowest density of interest (e.g. 0.01):  0.24
please type the highest density of interest (e.g. 0.6) :  0.50
please type the density interval (setps) of interest (e.g. 0.01):  0.02
any covariates: 1 for yes , 2 for no: 2
 loading the input data....
number of null networks (e.g. 20):  20
one (type 1) or two (type 2) -tailed test:  2
significance threshold level (e.g. 0.05):  0.05
 calculating threshold level. it might take tens of minutes depending on the number of networks....
 calculating network measures at each density: 1 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 2 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 3 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 4 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 5 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 6 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 7 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 8 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 9 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 10 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 11 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 12 out of 13...
 calculating network measures at each density: 13 out of 13...
type name of the 1st group in single quotations: 'CON'
type name of the 2nd group in single quotations: 'ASD'
type number of subjects in the 1st group: 79
type number of subjects in the 2nd group: 69
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in NetMes_vs_Density_vsNull_final_binary_Corrected_GUI_Functionals (line 228)

Error in GAT_F>NetMesf_Callback (line 81)

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)

Error in GAT_F (line 42)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in @(hObject,eventdata)GAT_F('NetMesf_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

I followed previous suggestions to put first GAT and then spm8 in my path. Also, as input I use "Z.mat" which includes "Z", a 84x84x148 double matrix with input matrices from all subjects, and "names", a 1x84 cell vector with the ROI names.

Does anyone have an idea as how to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Hannelore Aerts
Department of Data-Analysis
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences
Ghent University
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