[Gppi-commits] [SPM] Error in gPPI
Sophie Forster
sophie.forster at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 04:35:11 PST 2018
Apologies - I just realised I forgot to copy reply to list, so am resending
an edited version copying the gPPI list:
Great thank you for this advice - it worked! I have also subscribed to the
> list. It now ran through to the end, but at the very end it says the
> following:
> *Moving Contrast Images*
> *error moving contrast PPI_PPI_contrast1*
> *error moving contrast PPI_PPI_contrast1*
> *Moving Contrast Images*
> *error moving contrast PPI_PPI_contrast2*
> *error moving contrast PPI_PPI_contrast2*
> The error lines are not in red though, they are part of the output. I
> noticed that minor features of the output are different from the readme
> file, for example after the spm_fmri_spm_ui section the next one is spm_spm
> rather than spm_spm_WB, and the output in that section starts with Chunk
> 3/3 rather than initialising parameters. I am guessing these differences
> might be because I'm using SPM12 but thought I would mention it just in
> case.
> I then tried looking at the output SPM.mat in the sampledata/stats/PPI_rmedPrec
> folder and it opens fine, although the comparison file in PPI_rmedPrec_results
> folder doesn't: when I get to the point of clicking apply masking none in
> the GUI it throws the following error:
> *SPM12: spm_results_ui (v6647) 16:33:16 - 01/03/2018*
> *========================================================================*
> * SPM computation : ...initialising*Error
> using spm_data_read (line 81)
> Unknown data type.
> Error in spm_getSPM (line 618)
> Z = min(Z,spm_data_read(xCon(i).Vspm,'xyz',XYZ));
> Error in spm_results_ui
> Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
> Perhaps this is simply because I am using SPM12 and the prior SPM.mat made
> in SPM8, in which case maybe the installation was ok? In terms of the
> actual files in the sampledata/statsfolder versus the PPI_rmedPrec_results
> folder, they are similar, except that the sampledata version has two fewer
> contrasts. Thank you so much for your help with this - I really appreciate
> it.
> Sophie
> On 1 March 2018 at 03:31, MCLAREN, Donald <mclaren.donald at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Sophie,
>> If you go to http://www.nitrc.org/projects/gppi, there is a mailing list
>> specific to the gppi toolbox.
>> The error seems to be cause by conflicting copies of the "contains"
>> command.
>> Try renaming contains.m in the gPPI directory to old_contains.m
>> If this works, problem solved, if not, I'll have to track down where
>> contains.m is used and rename the function for you.
>> Best Regards,
>> Donald McLaren, PhD
>> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 10:35 AM, Sophie Forster <
>> sophie.forster at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I installed gPPI on a mac and have been trying to follow the 'testing
>>> the toolbox installation' instructions from the PPPI manual, using SPM 12.
>>> I hit an error message(I've copied the output just before to show the point
>>> at which it comes):
>>> VOI has 549 voxels in 3x3x3 space. This is in the the same space as the
>>> input data and functional mask.
>>> Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar
>>> values.
>>> Error in dlmwrite (line 133)
>>> useVectorized = realdata && precnIsNumeric && ~contains('%\',dlm) ...
>>> Error in PPPI (line 861)
>>> dlmwrite([P.subject '_' region1 '_session' num2str(z) '_'
>>> P.method
>>> '_PPI_regressors.txt'],[OUT.PPI.C OUT.P.C OUT.Y.C OUT.C.C],' ');
>>> Error in runOnSampleData (line 49)
>>> PPPI(P, ['/Users/Sophie/Downloads/running_gPPI_generic' filesep
>>> 'sampleData'
>>> filesep 'stats' filesep 'gPPI_sampleDataTest.mat']);
>>> Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar
>>> values.
>>> Error in rmiml.hasReqDataFile
>>> Error in rmiml.visibleInToolstrip
>>> Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar
>>> values.
>>> Error in rmiml.hasReqDataFile
>>> Error in rmiml.visibleInToolstrip
>>> I can't see anything in the archives about this error so wondered if
>>> someone might have an idea what I have done wrong? Apologies if it (as is
>>> likely) is something silly - I have run gPPI successfully before but it's
>>> been a few years now and clearly I'm rusty. Thanks!
>>> Sophie
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