[Isc-toolbox-commits] Problems with both visGUI and frequency-specific analysis

Roberta Rocca roberta.rocca at cc.au.dk
Thu Mar 1 12:15:07 PST 2018

To whom it may concern,

I am currently trying to use the toolbox to run inter-subject correlation analyses on my fmri dataset.
It is a dataset with 3670 data points per participant, each image with a number of voxels of 79 x 95 x 79.

However, I am encountering a few problems in different steps of the analysis.

I have tried to first run simple intersubject correlations on a subset of the datapoint without frequency specific analysis and it seems to succeed. But then it is not clear to me what I should visualise on the visGUI. If I try to load the .mat file with the project name, it does not allow me to visualise anything as it keeps asking for a folder with the Harvard 2mm atlas, which I do not have and which has a size not compatible with my images (I ran the analysis using a custom map). Any suggestion on how to overcome the problem or visualise the result at all?

The second main problem arises when running the frequency specific analysis.
It creates binary files in the fmrifiltered folder, but than it complains about the mapping not being valid.
Any suggestion?

I would be happy to provide more details if needed.
As to the version, I am using the developer subversion available on https://www.nitrc.org/scm/?group_id=947 as the other version available on NITRC would not allow me to interact with the visualisation GUI.
Thank you in advance, any help would really be appreciated :)


Roberta Rocca
PhD Student, School for Communication and Culture
Aarhus University
Building 1485, Office 637
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 2
8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

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