[Mrtrix-discussion] nii conversion and general questions
Kerstin Pannek
k.pannek1 at uq.edu.au
Wed Sep 3 17:50:53 PDT 2008
Hi all!
Thanks for the new release! This will make my life a whole lot easier!
I just have a few quick questions:
1) I noticed that the transformation in the header file when converting
from *.nii is not identity any more (as is used to be when converting
from ANALYZE). I assume I can therefore not use the bvecs I use for
FSL-analysis? Would I get the gradient scheme directly from DICOM then?
On the other hand, if I would use mrconvert to convert from *.mih to
*.nii, could I then use the *.mih gradient scheme for FSL-analysis? Or
do I need 2 sets of bvecs, one for mrtrix, one for FSL?
2) During CSD computation, I sometimes get a message "csdeconv: failed
to converge". Should I be worried about that and reduce lmax? The
computation continues after this message, and the results look
reasonable to me. My dataset is 65 directions, b3000, 2 averages, lmax
8. This is the command I ran:
$ csdeconv ../data/data.mih -grad ../data/encoding.b -lmax 8
response.txt -mask ../data/nodif_brain_mask.mih CSD8.mih
csdeconv: performing constrained spherical deconvolution...
63%csdeconv: failed to converge
csdeconv: performing constrained spherical deconvolution... 100%
3) Is it possible to extract the fibre orientation and fraction
information from the CSD-file?
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