[Mrtrix-discussion] disp_profile

Donald Tournier d.tournier at brain.org.au
Thu Apr 2 15:40:24 PDT 2009

Hi Vinod,

I've just checked my installation, and everything seems fine.

OTHER MRtrix USERS: I'd be grateful if you could also check your
installation and report back if you're having similar issues. Thanks!

Vinod: can you tell me more about your installation? In particular:

- what Linux distribution are you running?
- what version of MRtrix are you running (output of "mrconvert -version")?
- is your system set to a non-english language (output of "echo $LANG")?
- what compiler did you use (output of "g++ --version")?

There's another trick you can try: when supplying options, you only
need to specify enough characters for MRtrix to unambiguously identify
the relevant option. In your case, since "-response" is the only
option that starts with an 'r', you could try typing:

> disp_profile -r response.txt

You might find that gets around the problem...



2009/4/3 vinod kumar <mail.vinod at yahoo.com>
> Hello friends ,
> I am getting following error. Is this problem in Mrtrix installation or I am doing something wrong ?  any idea ?
> >disp_profile -response response.txt
> disp_profile: unknown option "-response"
> When I use this command with -response, than I don't see anything.
> Thank you ,
> vinod
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Jacques-Donald Tournier (PhD)
Brain Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Tel: +61 (0)3 9496 4078

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