[Mrtrix-discussion] dumb-bells correct, streamlines incorrect?

Kerstin Pannek uqkpann1 at uq.edu.au
Wed Mar 4 22:04:59 PST 2009

Dear mrtrixers
I just found something curious. I usually check for every subject that 
the dumb-bells (csd) are correct. For one subject, the dumb-bells look 
correct, but the streamlines produced using streamtrack SD_PROB are 
incorrect (see attachment).  I suspect that my diffusion encoding 
directions for this subject are simply incorrect, but I thought that if 
they were, the dumb-bells would be incorrect as well. My understanding 
was that the streamlines "follow" the dumb-bells.
Is looking at the dumb-bells not the method of choice to check whether 
or not the encoding file is correct? Should I rather be looking at a 
wholebrain tracking image?
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