[Mrtrix-discussion] error displaying tracks with MRview

Keith Hulsey Keith.Hulsey at UTSouthwestern.edu
Thu Oct 7 13:50:14 PDT 2010

I installed MRtrix v0.2.9 on my virtual machine that uses Windows XP. When I try to overlay an image with tracks generated using streamtrack an error occurs which closes MRview.

I generated the spherical harmonic representation of the DWI using dwi2SH. The original images had 50 directions with b 1000 and 6 b 0 images. Two sets of these made 112 original images per subject.

The command I used for generating the tracts was:
streamtrack -seed WM_mask.nii -mask brain_mask.nii SD_PROB dwi_image.nii tracks.tck
I pasted the output from track_info below.

I want to try TDI using these images.

Thanks, Keith

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

Y:\MRtrix>track_info -info tracks.tck
track_info [INFO]: WARNING: malformed key/value entry ("max_num_attempts:") in f
ile "tracks.tck" - ignored
track_info [INFO]: error parsing spherical ROI specification "Y:\MRtrix\WM_mask.
nii" - assuming mask image
track_info [INFO]: error parsing spherical ROI specification "Y:\MRtrix\dti2cEC_
brain_mask.nii" - assuming mask image
  Tracks file: "tracks.tck"
    count:                10000
    init_threshold:       0.2
    lmax:                 12
    max_dist:             200
    max_num_tracks:       10000
    max_trials:           50
    method:               SD_PROB
    min_curv:             1
    min_dist:             10
    no_mask_interp:       0
    sh_precomputed:       1
    source:               Y:\MRtrix\SH.nii
    step_size:            0.2
    stop_when_included:   0
    threshold:            0.1
    total_count:          11067
    unidirectional:       0
    ROI:                  seed Y:\MRtrix\WM_mask.nii
    ROI:                  mask Y:\MRtrix\dti2cEC_brain_mask.nii


UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.
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