[Mrtrix-discussion] output file of "find_SH_peaks"

Jeong-Won Jeong jeongwon at pet.wayne.edu
Mon Feb 14 06:37:08 PST 2011



I wonder the order of fiber directions saved in the output file of

This is what I did:

gendir 100 dir100.txt

find_SH_peak CSD8.mif dir100.txt SH_peaks_CSD8.mif


The output file consists of 9 different 3-D volumes. 

Which ones are for X, Y, Z to indicate the direction of the 1st fiber ?

I am guessing the first three volumes indicates the X, Y, Z of the first
vector, next three indicates those of the second vector, and so on.

Is it correct? Also, I would like to know whether 100 directions are good
enough to estimate the directions of three fibers.


Best Regards,



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