[Mrtrix-discussion] mac version of software

Michael Zeineh mmzeineh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 22:05:14 PDT 2011

Most everything I have tried seems to work, including tractography and glyph display. The DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is an issue sometimes because different programs need different paths, but it is no big deal when working with mrtrix to have the right path in place. I can ssh into a linux box and the display works fine, but ssh'ing into a macbox, the mrview display doesn't come out right and an image never shows … then again, this often doesn't work on mac anyways and may be a mac issue inherently.

I basically now do mac only (especially since I have a 12 core …) It is nice to see a process running at 1200%!

On Mar 16, 2011, at 9:56 PM, Donald Tournier wrote:

> Hi Michael, 
> This is great news, and doesn't even sound too complicated! I'll add your instructions to the documentation and make sure they're available for the next release. In the meantime, I'd be interested to hear how things are going with the Mac version, and whether you've encountered any issues with it so far.
> Thanks,
> Donald.
> On 26 February 2011 13:19, Michael Zeineh <mmzeineh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Got it working! At least the basics … mrview and mrconvert etc. Didn't test tractography yet ..
> I tried copying from one machine (10.6.5) to another (10.6), but this didn’t work, so I don’t think it is worth putting binaries anywhere …
> Here is what I had to do
> Install fink per webpage in /sw64
> Download tarball
> tar -xvzf fink-0.29.19.tar.gz
> cd  fink-0.29.19
> ./bootstrap sw64 (puts fink in /sw64)
> fink install python glib gtk+ glibmm2.4 gtkmm2.4 gtkglext1 gsl
> at some point it bottoms out, so just repeat it, and it works
> copy linux.py Darwin.py
> modify Darwin.py cpp flags to read –mtune=native rather than –march=native
> modify darwin.py to add to the cpp flags: '-L/sw64/lib', '-I/sw64/include'
> ./build
> copy to /usr/local/mri
> change permissions so all users can read
> change path to include /usr/local/mri/bin
> export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/mrtrix/lib"
> Then things work!
> One time, it was complaining regarding the freetype library, and this required copying the /usr/x11/bin/libfreetype.6.dylib to /sw64/lib/freetype219/lib, though it didn’t require it the second time.
>  On Feb 17, 2011, at 11:56 PM, Donald Tournier wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Perhaps not surprisingly, you're not the first to express interest in a Mac version of MRtrix... I did try once a while ago, and kind of managed to get something working, but it wasn't really satisfactory. To cut a long story short, the command-line utilities seemed to work OK, but the GUI components didn't really seem to work well. I'd eventually convinced myself that it was down to poor OpenGL support on the X compatibility layer. Mind you, this was on an older PowerPC Mac, so things might have changed since then...
>> The most painful part was the installation of the dependencies, in particular gtkmm and gtkglext. I had to compile these from source, since the pre-compiled versions available at the time were too old. There's a website that provides pre-compiled packages for Mac at http://www.finkproject.org. I've just had a brief look, and it now looks like all the required dependencies are there and sufficiently up to date - you might be in luck!
>> So it looks like it would be worth giving it a shot. If you feel up to it, here's a few pointers: you'll need to generate a new config file for the build - probably named darwin.py (it's named according whatever Python's platform.system() function returns), in the sysconf folder.  I'd recommend you start with a copy of the linux one, and modify it as needed. It should be a simple matter of figuring out the correct include paths, and possibly changing a few compiler options. You shouldn't need to modify the code in any way. 
>> Needless to say, if you manage to get it working, I'd be more than happy for you to load it up on NITRC... :) 
>> Cheers,
>> Donald.
>> On 17 February 2011 07:05, Michael Zeineh <mmzeineh at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone been able to compile any part of mrtrix on the mac? mrview and mrconvert are outstanding general tools, along with all the other great dti/csd tools!
>> Thank you,
>> Michael Zeineh
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>> -- 
>> Jacques-Donald Tournier (PhD)
>> Brain Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
>> Tel: +61 (0)3 9496 4078
> -- 
> Jacques-Donald Tournier (PhD)
> Brain Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
> Tel: +61 (0)3 9496 4078

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