[Mrtrix-discussion] Higher resolution TDI

mchandra pal mcpalin at gmail.com
Tue May 24 13:02:22 PDT 2011

I have two queries.

In the discussion forum, it was previously suggested that super-resolution
TDI images can be generated using "-vox" option in tracks2prob command.
I used the commeand    tracks2prob whole_brain_tracks.tck -vox 1
fraction_tracks.mif      to obtain TDI image with 1 mm X 1mm x 1mm spatial

It shows:
tracks2prob: creating new template image...   - ok
tracks2prob: error opening tracks data file "whole_brain_tracks.tck": No
tracks2prob: error opening tracks data file "whole_brain_tracks.tck": No

Also, when I tried to generate TDI image with the fibre count through each
voxel using option 'count' (e.g. tracks2prob whole_brain_tracks.tck -count
-template anat.img track_counts.mif), it shows
tracks2prob: unknown option "count".

Please kindly suggest the correct ways to write these commands.

-mc pal
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