[Mrtrix-discussion] Question about convert from nii to mif
dti mic
micdtiserver at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 00:08:44 PDT 2012
Dear MRtrix,
I am trying to convert a 4D dwi data set in NIFTI format (converted from
DICOM using dcm2nii) into mif image. The error message I got is:
"mrconvert: memory-mapping failed for file "./dwi.mif": Invalid argument".
The input image (the name of which is "P481210209_xyz_eddy_Ave.nii", a
little bit long and wired I know) in nii format can be well accessed by FSL
and MRIcron or MRIcron. Any idea of what I can do to fix this issue? Should
I try some more options in the mrconvert command?
Many thanks for your help in advance!
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