[Mrtrix-discussion] track_info and normalise_tracks

Markus Gschwind markus.gschwind at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 11:44:53 PST 2012

Dear Donald,

I have two more questions concerning concerning the great tools

1) >> track_info

Is it possible read the count value into a variable? I tried with awk, like
I do with some fsl functions:

track_info_output=`track_info L_SubstInn_CapsExt_tract.tck`
count=`echo $track_info_output | awk '{print $1}'`

I tooke $1 because it is in the first line of the output, however, I am
puzzled to find the whole directory content in the $count and $1
corresponds to the first file in the directory, the "Tracks file:" output
being further down, alphabetically inbetween all files of the directory.

2) >> normalise_tracks

What type of warp image is needed here? I cannot find any specifications
(the ideal would be to feed in the warps created by the fsl TBSS pipeline.
Is there any hope?)

Thanks again and best wishes!
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