[Mrtrix-discussion] Tool to non-linearly warp CSD images

David Raffelt d.raffelt at brain.org.au
Thu May 31 18:43:24 PDT 2012

Hi Chris,
Registration and warping of FODs in MRtrix is something that we are
currently working on. However, at this stage I can't give you an estimate
of when it will be available since it will depend on how much spare time I
have over the coming months. I'll keep you posted.

On 1 June 2012 11:25, Chris Adamson <chris.adamson at mcri.edu.au> wrote:

> Mrtrix authors,
> Is there a tool to non-linearly warp the CSD images? This would be
> preferable to warping the DWI image since it is easier to rotate the CSD
> fibre estimates than it is to rotate the b-vectors prior to CSD
> estimation.
> Chris.
> --
> Dr Christopher Adamson, PhD (Melb.), B Software Engineering (Hons.,
> Monash)
> Research Officer
> Developmental Imaging, Critical Care and Neurosciences
> Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
> The Royal Children’s Hospital
> Flemington Road Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia
> T 9906 6780
> E chris.adamson at mcri.edu.au
> www.mcri.edu.au
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David Raffelt, PhD
Florey Neuroscience Institutes
Brain Research Institute
Melbourne Brain Centre
245 Burgundy Street, Heidelberg 3084
Phone: (+61 3) 9035 7024
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