[Mrtrix-discussion] importing data from seimens machine

rakesh rakesh rakesh560008 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 19:32:21 PST 2012

hi everyone,
i have been having trouble in handling the data from seimen's skyra
machine, whereas dicom imported from the philips machine is working fine
with Mrtrix,
the problem is after converting the .nii/Dicm files to .mif format ( i am
able to use the command mrinfo, mrview, also create mask using average)
I am not able to process the Dwi2tensor script, even after i run the -grad
encoding.b script
moreover i am not able to generate the encoding.b file (using the mrinfo
.....-grad encoding.b), however i am able to view (using mrinfo) the
details (of these files) as described in the manual.
kindly help me


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