[Mrtrix-discussion] Human Connectome Project dataset issue

Ivan Alvarez ivan.alvarez.11 at ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jan 9 07:03:46 PST 2013

Hello Mrtrix users,

I tried analysing a sample subject from the recently available Human 
Connectome Project dataset (https://db.humanconnectome.org), and 
encountered an issue with CSD tractography in Mrtrix. In brief, the 
dataset has 1.25 mm isotropic voxels, 270 directions, 3 b-shells 
(1000,2000,300) and 2 repeats.

The tensor estimation worked fine, and am able to compute 
sensible-looking FA maps. The mask erosion is also fine, but when I view 
the response function coefficient, it displays an unusual shape (RCF 
<http://postimage.org/image/cl7tpwc3p/>). The csdeconv command returns 
no errors and the orientation plot looks reasonable. My problem is, when 
I attempt to perform tractography with the streamtrack command, the 
program hangs.

Any idea as to why this might be?

Kind regards,
Ivan Alvarez

PhD Candidate
Imaging and Biophysics Unit
UCL Institute of Child Health
30 Guilford Street, London, WC1N 1EH

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