[Mrtrix-discussion] multiple bvalue

romain valabregue romain.valabregue at upmc.fr
Wed Jul 3 05:49:13 PDT 2013

Dear all

Summer is there (and vacations are coming) so it may not be the perfect 
time to put it forward. But just in case ...

Since I am playin with the very nice connectome data I can not stop 
thinking : it would be great to have a multi shell version of the odf 
within mrtrix.

Have a look at connectome data It may give you the motivation ... 288 
direction (with 3 shell 1000 2000 3000) 1.25 isotropic resolution 
perfect corregistration with a T1 0.7iso volume, 40 subject easy to 
It is worth to try !

All the best


Le 16/11/2012 02:31, Donald Tournier a écrit :
> Hi everyone,
> The DTI fit in MRtrix should handle multiple b-values fine. The CSD 
> approach however cannot currently handle such data, as Thijs correctly 
> stated. Luis, I'm surprised that you manage to get convincing results 
> simply by stripping off the b=0 image, since it is ignored by csdeconv 
> anyway (unless you use the -normalise option which is not 
> recommended). In any case, it is definitely not designed to handle 
> multiple b-values, so I would not advise planning your study around it...
> Cheers,
> Donald.
> On 16 November 2012 07:41, Luis Concha <lconcha at unam.mx 
> <mailto:lconcha at unam.mx>> wrote:
>     I have a similar data set to the one described by Romain (1x b=0,
>     32x b=1000 and 32x b=2000; the 32 gradient directions are
>     identical for b1000 and b2000).
>     Perhaps I _shouldn't_ be doing it, but cdsdeconv seems to handle
>     this data set perfectly when I strip off the b=0 image (my usual
>     approach, as I am after CSF signal elimination). However, I just
>     tested csdeconv with all three b values (0,1000 and 2000) and it
>     seems to give similar results, up to an lmax=6 (I did not test any
>     further).
>     The DTI maps look perfectly fine, with a slight increase in FA in
>     regions partial voluming with CSF (fornix, callosum edges) in the
>     non-b0 data set as compared to the b=0,1000,2000 data set.
>     Perhaps doing 2 shells is OK even in the absence of b=0, and the
>     argument of multi-shell CSD invalidity is only applicable for >3
>     shells. Nonetheless, I would much appreciate it if you could
>     direct me to the right papers in order to understand if I am doing
>     things properly, as I plan to use this approach for a longitudinal
>     4-year study that is just about to begin.
>     Below is the gradient table used for the b=0,1000,2000 data set,
>     and I am posting a snapshot of the orientation plots for the data
>     sets I mentioned here:
>     http://imgur.com/56Y8q
>     Thanks.
>     Dr. Luis Concha
>     Instituto de Neurobiología
>     Laboratorio C-12
>     UNAM, Campus Juriquilla
>     Boulervard Juriquilla 3001
>     Juriquilla, Querétaro.
>     C.P. 76230
>     México
>     Tel (442) 2 38 10 53 <tel:%28442%29%202%2038%2010%2053>
>     Fax (442) 2 38 10 46 <tel:%28442%29%202%2038%2010%2046>
>     www.inb.unam.mx <http://www.inb.unam.mx>
>     0.000000    0.000000    0.000000    0
>     -1.000000    0.000000    0.000000    1000
>     0.000000    -1.000000    0.000000    1000
>     0.000000    0.000000    1.000000    1000
>     0.042400    0.114601    -0.992506    1000
>     -0.174909    0.200511    -0.963951    1000
>     -0.232290    0.162593    -0.958960    1000
>     -0.367520    -0.026101    -0.929649    1000
>     -0.190192    -0.374383    -0.907560    1000
>     0.116799    -0.833394    -0.540196    1000
>     0.200489    -0.252686    -0.946548    1000
>     0.495782    -0.134495    -0.857969    1000
>     0.014100    0.628102    -0.778003    1000
>     0.744490    0.147698    -0.651091    1000
>     0.760877    -0.320390    -0.564283    1000
>     0.180892    -0.924660    -0.335085    1000
>     0.679628    0.422417    -0.599725    1000
>     -0.777100    -0.470700    -0.417800    1000
>     -0.924162    0.103596    -0.367685    1000
>     -0.468485    0.767376    -0.437786    1000
>     -0.881688    0.189298    -0.432194    1000
>     -0.690404    -0.706204    -0.156901    1000
>     -0.239096    -0.757087    -0.607990    1000
>     0.057800    -0.983696    0.170299    1000
>     0.536773    -0.836058    -0.113494    1000
>     0.991788    0.120698    -0.042299    1000
>     0.996763    -0.070897    -0.037899    1000
>     <tel:0.037899%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%201000>
>     0.872425    -0.478114    -0.101403    1000
>     0.248714    -0.933552    0.258114    1000
>     -0.118295    -0.991861    -0.047098    1000
>     -0.337598    -0.841495    0.421798    1000
>     -0.528585    -0.840876    0.116297    1000
>     -0.996853    -0.054997    -0.057097    1000
>     -1.000000    0.000000    0.000000    2000
>     0.000000    -1.000000    0.000000    2000
>     0.000000    0.000000    1.000000    2000
>     0.042400    0.114601    -0.992506    2000
>     -0.174909    0.200511    -0.963951    2000
>     -0.232290    0.162593    -0.958960    2000
>     -0.367520    -0.026101    -0.929649    2000
>     -0.190192    -0.374383    -0.907560    2000
>     0.116799    -0.833394    -0.540196    2000
>     0.200489    -0.252686    -0.946548    2000
>     0.495782    -0.134495    -0.857969    2000
>     0.014100    0.628102    -0.778003    2000
>     0.744490    0.147698    -0.651091    2000
>     0.760877    -0.320390    -0.564283    2000
>     0.180892    -0.924660    -0.335085    2000
>     0.679628    0.422417    -0.599725    2000
>     -0.777100    -0.470700    -0.417800    2000
>     -0.924162    0.103596    -0.367685    2000
>     -0.468485    0.767376    -0.437786    2000
>     -0.881688    0.189298    -0.432194    2000
>     -0.690404    -0.706204    -0.156901    2000
>     -0.239096    -0.757087    -0.607990    2000
>     0.057800    -0.983696    0.170299    2000
>     0.536773    -0.836058    -0.113494    2000
>     0.991788    0.120698    -0.042299    2000
>     0.996763    -0.070897    -0.037899    2000
>     <tel:0.037899%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0%202000>
>     0.872425    -0.478114    -0.101403    2000
>     0.248714    -0.933552    0.258114    2000
>     -0.118295    -0.991861    -0.047098    2000
>     -0.337598    -0.841495    0.421798    2000
>     -0.528585    -0.840876    0.116297    2000
>     -0.996853    -0.054997    -0.057097    2000
>     _______________________________________________
>     Mrtrix-discussion mailing list
>     Mrtrix-discussion at www.nitrc.org
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> -- 
> *Dr Jacques-Donald Tournier
> *
> Research Fellow
> The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
> Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
> 245 Burgundy Street
> Heidelberg  Vic  3084
> Ph:  +61 3 9035 7033
> Fax:  +61 3 9035 7307
> www.florey.edu.au <http://www.florey.edu.au>
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