[Mrtrix-discussion] mrview 0.2.11 - cannot deselect voxels in ROI analysis

Amanda Ng amanda.ng at monash.edu
Wed Jun 26 23:49:34 PDT 2013


I've just upgraded to 0.2.11 and am no longer able to deselect voxels in
mrview ROI analysis mode. I'm using a Mac OS X 10.7.5. Ctrl+shift+left
click does not do anything, while Option+shift+left click and
Command+shift+left click select voxels.


Amanda Ng
Computational Biomedical Imaging Scientist

     Monash Biomedical Imaging
     Monash e-Research Centre
     Life Sciences Computation Centre, VLSCI

     Email: amanda.ng at monash.edu   Tel: +61 (0)3 9902 9804
     Bldg 220, 770 Blackburn Rd, Monash University, Melbourne VIC 3800
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