[Mrtrix-discussion] Slice collapse problems

Dorian P. alb.net at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 08:46:44 PST 2013

The last point, smaller k-space coverage, seem to be related to a parameter
called "halfscan" in Philips:

Halfscan is a method in which approximately only one half of the
acquisition matrix in the phase encoding direction is acquired.

Effects if Halfscan is set to `Yes'

Signal-to-Noise Ratio:  Reduced with ÷2
Spatial resolution:  Not affected
Scan time  Shorter (almost a reduction by a factor of 2)
Susceptibility effects:  More sensitive to field inhomogeneities and
Artifacts:  More prominent flow and motion artifacts

We have been advised to increase the halfscan factor (currently 0.702), but
in doing so I have to loose another 4ms TE (going to 98ms). I tried this
and effectively the scan with higher halfscan factor had no slice problems
compared to our regular hardi on the same subject (2-3 bad slices). The
problem is that the signal is weaker and I was not sure the benefit would
be consistent in the future.

Is this what you were referring for fourier transform? Do you have any
advise on this?

Thank you.


2013/11/6 Watts, Richard <Richard.Watts at vtmednet.org>

> My explanation for whole-slice signal dropout on diffusion is that it's an
> interaction between head rotation, the diffusion-weighting gradients and
> the k-space coverage.
> Warning... here comes the physics!
> Head rotation produces a position-dependent velocity (zero at the center
> of rotation, negative on one side, positive on the other).  The diffusion
> gradients convert this into a linear variation of phase with position (same
> mechanism as phase contrast imaging).  Applying the Fourier shift theorum
> makes this equivalent to a shift of the center of k-space.  If the center
> moves out of your k-space coverage, then you will end up dropping the low
> spatial frequencies and signal dropout.
> Incidentally, the phase variability due to very small head movements is
> why we can't generally do multishot DW-EPI.  Think of diffusion as
> phase-contrast MRI on steroids!
> Whole-slice dropout is most likely to occur when:
> 1. Your subject moves a lot (obviously!)
> 2. You use a high b-value (bigger phase shift for a given motion),
> especially in directions away from the z-axis
> 3. You use a smaller k-space coverage (as Jesper/Romain noted 5/8 partial
> Fourier is worse than 3/4)
> I believe that the manufacturers have become a little more conservative
> with partial Fourier to try to avoid these problems, at the expense of
> increased TE.
> Cheers -
> Richard Watts
> University of Vermont
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