[Mrtrix-discussion] Motion affects worse HARDI or regular DTI?

Ivan Alvarez ivan.alvarez.11 at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Oct 3 11:58:33 PDT 2013

Dear Dorian,

One effect you could be seeing is that DWI data at higher b-values have 
lower signal-to-noise ratio. So this is generally why it looks 'worse', 
you have less signal in the image, but the diffusion diffusion component 
is stronger. The lower SNR can of course make motion artifacts worse, 
i.e. there is less signal to rescue when applying motion correction.

I will let someone more experienced comment on the advantages or not of 
the CSD model!


On 03/10/2013 7:41, Dorian P. wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have done tractography on DTI (32 orientation, b850) using a 
> deterministic algorithm. After trying HARDI with probabilistic (60 
> orientation, b3000), it looks like out of the scanner images can be 
> more affected by motion in HARDI than regular DTI. However, when I do 
> tractography I can still get better results with HARDI, even in cases 
> with motion or with brain edema (without even correcting for motion). 
> It looks like the CSD algorithm combined with subvoxel seeding is 
> giving an advantage.
> What is your opinion on this? Does HARDI/CSD tolerates motion better 
> in practical terms despite looking worse out of the scanner?
> Thank you.
> Dorian
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