[Mrtrix-discussion] Color and shape of the FODs or ODFs

Luetzkendorf, Ralf Ralf.Luetzkendorf at med.ovgu.de
Mon Apr 28 06:46:16 PDT 2014

Hello MRTrix Community,

I have a question about the color and shape of the FODs / ODFs
I read through the papers and I have to be absolutely sure how to interpret them.

At first in the Paper "Direct estimation of the fiber orientation density function from diffusion-weighted MRI data using spherical deconvolution, 2004" Figure 7 referred you to a web version for color interpretation. Is there still a Web Version? I only found the normal PDF at Elsevier.

Do these drop-shaped geometrical bodies, that face each other have exactly the same color? And its only a rendering problem, that they very often don't have it in figures, like in Figure 7 of the 2004 Article?

Is there a description how to interpret the shape of the ODF /FOD. Something like a first and still established paper about it?

Thanks for the help,


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