[Mrtrix-discussion] Mac OS X, Re-install

Jackson Smith jackson.smith at dpag.ox.ac.uk
Mon Dec 1 02:09:56 PST 2014

Dear MRtrix community,

For reasons unknown, mrview has ceased to function for me, when previously it has worked. It no longer produces a GUI, when run. I can not think of any changes I've made that could have caused this. streamtrack and other functions still work ; even mrview provides command-line output, just no graphics. I would like to try re-installing mrtrix, or at least mrview, in attempt to regain functionality.

I have tried to uninstall mrtrix by navigating to the installation directory (mrtrix-0.2.12) in XQuartz, and running:

./build uninstall

Which produces the output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./build", line 899, in <module>
    if libname in os.listdir (os.path.join (symlink_prefix, 'lib')):
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib'

Indeed, there is no '/usr/local/lib'. From what I can tell, all mrtrix files are located in:


with links residing in:


Alternatively, if I run ./build -verbose then the final line before launching threads is:

compiling TODO list... TODO list contains 0 items

In neither case does mrview regain functionality. Could someone please advise me how I might get mrview to work again?

The version of MRtrix that I am using is:

mrview -version
mrview 0.2.12 (revision 410)
  Author: J-Donald Tournier (d.tournier at brain.org.au)
  Copyright 2008 Brain Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia
  using MRtrix 0.2.12, glib 2.40.0, GSL 1.16 (build Sep 11 2014)

I am using OS X 10.9.5 on a MacBook Pro with Retina display.

Kind regards,

Dept of Phys, Anat and Gen
University of Oxford
Sherrington Bld, Parks Rd
Oxford, OX1 3PT
United Kingdom

Tel: 01865 282 549
jackson.smith at dpag.ox.ac.uk
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