[Mrtrix-discussion] DWI Data with 35 directions and b=1000

Linden Parkes linden.parkes at monash.edu
Thu Dec 18 15:45:51 PST 2014


I’m looking for some advice on which -algorithm to use with tckgen on my data (parameters in subject line).
I’ve read on this list that at least 30 directions is sufficient but I see that my b=1000 is probably less than optimal. 



Linden Parkes

PhD Candidate
Monash Clinical & Imaging Neuroscience (MCIN)
School of Psychological Sciences
Monash Biomedical Imaging
Monash University

A: 770 Blackburn Rd, Clayton, 3168, Vic, Australia
T: +61 3 9902 9807  |  0402 516 574
E: linden.parkes at monash.edu
W: www.med.monash.edu.au/psych/mcin/

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