[Mrtrix-discussion] Cropping tracks?

romain valabregue romain.valabregue at upmc.fr
Tue Jan 28 05:03:43 PST 2014


Yes filter_tracks can not do some cropping (this will be a usefull 
feature to add ... if someone has a patch ?...)

For now you can do the cropping when you generate the track with streamtrack

the -mask option will terminate the track when it enter the mask

you could also use the -stop option if you want the track stop in any of 
the include region


Le 27/01/2014 10:49, Erik Ziegler a écrit :
> Hello Mrtrixers,
> I'm looking for a way to perform track cropping as in the Pannek 2011 
> average pathlength paper (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21147236).
> I thought filter_tracks would work, but it seems that it is used for 
> excluding entire tracks, rather than just terminating those outside 
> the mask.
> Thanks,
> Erik
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