[Mrtrix-discussion] labelconfig

Robert Smith robert.smith at florey.edu.au
Mon Jul 7 23:19:14 PDT 2014

Hi Manuel (and all),

Yes, the labelconfig step has been a stumbling block for many users.

When I started writing the connectome code for my own evil purposes, I
wanted something as flexible as possible, that kept in line with the
modular design philosophy of MRtrix. In my mind, labelconfig is actually an
'essential' step for connectome construction (based on the atlases I have
seen); I suspect that other software packages may somehow deal with the
problem implicitly, or people have been doing this operation the slow &
painful way...

I have given labelconfig its own dedicated page
<https://github.com/jdtournier/mrtrix3/wiki/labelconfig-worked-example> in
the MRtrix GitHub wiki <https://github.com/jdtournier/mrtrix3/wiki>. I hope
that the worked example there is adequate for people to wrap their heads
around why this command is necessary, what its actual purpose is, and why
it's beneficial for this to be an explicit step. Let me know if any aspects
of its use are still unclear and I will update the page accordingly.

Best regards


*Robert Smith, Ph.D*
Research Officer, Imaging Division

The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
245 Burgundy Street
Heidelberg Vic 3084
Ph: +61 3 9035 7128
Fax: +61 3 9035 7301

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 3:02 AM, Manuel Blesa Cábez <mblesac at gmail.com>

>  Dear all,
> I want to create the connectome using MRtrix, but I don't know exactly how
> to do it.
> I have my parcellated file and the relation between the labels and the
> names (similar to the example file aal.txt). What more I need to launch the
> labelconfig? Which are the correct input files?
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Manuel Blesa
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