[Mrtrix-discussion] CSD computation errors

Supreet kaur ksupreet6 at gmail.com
Wed May 21 11:23:50 PDT 2014

Dear MRtrix users,

I have been running the CSD on our neonatal DTI dataset, our DTI data was
acquired on the GE scanner with 30 gradient directions and b value of 1000.
However, during the CSD computation, I am getting series of error messages:

"csdeconv: not enough negative directions! failed to converge".

I'm attaching the gradient directions text file.

I'll appreciate your response.

Thanks in advance,


Supreet kaur,
Biomedical research engineer,
Nationwide Childrens Hospital,
Columbus, OH
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 0             0         0     0
1.000000  0.000000  0.000000   1000
0.166000  0.986000  0.000000   1000
-0.110000 0.664000 0.740000    1000
0.901000 -0.419000 -0.110000   1000
-0.169000 -0.601000 0.781000   1000
-0.815000 -0.386000 0.433000   1000
0.656000 0.366000 0.660000     1000
0.582000 0.800000 0.143000     1000
0.900000 0.259000 0.350000     1000
0.693000 -0.698000 0.178000    1000
0.357000 -0.924000 -0.140000   1000
0.543000 -0.488000 -0.683000   1000
-0.525000  -0.396000 0.753000  1000
-0.639000 0.689000 0.341000    1000  
-0.330000 -0.013000 -0.94400   1000
-0.524000 -0.783000 0.335000   1000
0.609000 -0.065000 -0.791000   1000
0.220000 -0.233000 -0.947000   1000
-0.004000 -0.910000 -0.415000  1000
-0.511000 0.627000 -0.589000   1000
0.414000 0.737000 0.535000     1000
-0.679000 0.139000 -0.721000   1000
0.884000 -0.296000 0.362000    1000
0.262000 0.432000 0.863000     1000
0.088000 0.185000 -0.979000    1000
0.294000 -0.907000 0.302000    1000
0.887000 -0.089000 -0.453000   1000
0.257000 -0.443000 0.859000    1000
0.086000 0.867000 -0.491000    1000
0.863000 0.504000 -0.025000    1000

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