[Mrtrix-discussion] a question about mrtrix

markus.gschwind at gmail.com markus.gschwind at gmail.com
Thu May 29 22:03:36 PDT 2014

On 30 mai 2014, at 04:25, Yachao Xie <yachaoxiexie at gmail.com> wrote:

> hello Markus,
>   Excuse me for disturbing you. I am a new user of mrtrix. I found that it is really useful for me. Thank you for sharing the software. After prosessing some data with mrtrix, I have been confused with the response function.
>   So, I want to know what is the response function. Another question, how to calculate the response function. The last one, a result of mrtrix 'the text file response.txt', what is the meaning of the series of numbers?
>   Thank you for reading my letter. I wish I can receive your reply soon.
> Best wishes,
> Yachao
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