[Neurobureau-info] Happy Holidays from The Neuro Bureau! - and a little bit about the art exhibition

Cameron Craddock cameron.craddock at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 20:11:42 PST 2010

Hey y'all,

Just wanted to send you a short email and wish you all a fun and safe
holiday season!

Daniel and I had a brief pow-wow today and decided to scrap the young
research award for now and to put all of our resources into the art
exhibition.  Daniel has had some exciting interactions with artists
who are more than happy to contribute.  Please contact artists that
you know (or would like to know) and see if they would like to
participate.  We would like to have a few committments prior to making
a formal proposal to OHBM.  Our goal is to secure at least 10 pieces
of art for the exhibition, enough to engage viewers for at least 20-30
minutes, but we hope for more.  We hope to submit a formal proposal to
OHBM by mid to late January, hopefully that will be enough time.  We
would like to be able to host the exhibition in a location that is
either at or adjacent to the conference.  It would be really cool if
the opening of the exhibit could coincide with the HBM opening party.
If OHBM is not interested in making the exhibition an official part of
the conference, we would then have the exhibit at the Neuro Bureau
party, which will likely be on the second night of the conference.
Please let us know your ideas or concerns about this venture.  Are any
of you interested in taking a lead role in the organization of this

We were thinking of having the next conference call a week after the
HBM abstract deadline, maybe on Monday January 17th?  Please let us
know your availability.

I hope that all is well with you and yours.  Have a great holiday season!


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