[Repronim-fellows] Fellows Telecon2 - Recording available from meeting held during OHBM in Seoul - ReproInventory and Discussion of Fellows Projects

Bates, Julianna (Julie) Julianna.Bates at umassmed.edu
Wed Aug 7 12:59:21 EDT 2024

Hi Everybody-

For anyone who might be interested -I’m sending along a link to the video recording from our hybrid meeting held during the OHBM hackathon in Seoul (June 2024)m, which includes two main topics of discussion:

Informal Introduction and background (first 8 minutes of video)

  1.  Catching up on the ReproInventory Project work some folks were doing during the hackathon – including both thoughtful overview of work already done and interesting ideas for future consideration (08:00-27:30)
  2.  Hearing from Fellows on their training project plans, ideas and interest – a lot of good ideas and interesting discussion for both plans and how to approach different kinds of projects (27:30-42:32)

The video is titled ‘Fellows_June2024-meeting.mp4’, and is located in a google folder<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YD01QJB6U50pvpirWCRHF4fmjlPFJNgi> (the same one that includes your Dashboard).
It may require downloading in order to play the video, I think that is dependent upon internet speed (mine is slow right now, so I had to download).
If you have trouble accessing it, let me know and we’ll sort it out.

Not at all required!
I’m just sending this along in case of interest, and possible relevant to anyone re: Fellows Office Hours coming up on Thursday.

Have a good day!

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