[Repronim-fellows] ReproInventory Project and Fellows Call Agenda

Kennedy, David David.Kennedy at umassmed.edu
Thu Jun 13 06:04:04 EDT 2024

Hi there!
An update regarding our next activities.  In lieu of a ‘workshop’ per se, we encourage all fellows to participate in the ReproInventory Project.  The Project represents an opportunity for the fellows to both identify and hone the resources that will be most important to their mission, and contribute to a better (more useful) inventory of training materials for the entire community.

The project, reflected in the ReproInventory GitHub Repo<https://github.com/ReproNim/ReproInventory/tree/main>, has the following overview:
When planning for a training event for reproducible research, there are many training materials to choose from to teach tools such as git/github, bash, datalad, etc. There are inventories of such training material in some places (ReproRehab, INCF training space, Hitchhacker guide to the brain, etc) but we are lacking i) a set of tags to annotate training material (duration, targeted audience, etc) ii) a place where there can be some crowd curation and annotation of these materials. We propose to develop a set of tags and an inventory of training material for reproducible neuroimaging that can be reused by other resources and be crowd-curated. This project is under the auspices of the INCF-ReproNim train the trainer fellowship.

Tasks that we are all encouraged to consider include (but are not limited to):

  *   Reviewing existing inventories
  *   Expand content
     *   For each resource, what do we want to know about it?
        *   Identify the training resource 'schema' that we want to use
     *   What content is missing?
  *   Adopt a front end (how the content is displayed) and associated back end (to store the information)
     *   What do we really want to see?
        *   Search: by topic tag (i.e. git), by format (i.e. hands-on tutorial), by level (i.e. first-timers), by duration (i.e. 3 hour), etc.
     *   Do any of the existing platforms already do this?
        *   Which comes closest?

While we have used the occurrence of the OHBM Hackathon to introduce this project and begin work on the project, we expect this to be an ongoing project that all ReproNim associated folks can and should contribute to, and hope that it will be helpful to each of you in accomplishing your proposed activities.

Fellows Call Agenda: At the next Fellows call (that you have received separate scheduling information about) we will discuss/review this Project, and provide the opportunity for continued dialog with each of you on your developing plans and questions.


  *   The ReproNim training team (JB, Dave, Nina and Julie)

David N. Kennedy, Ph.D.

Are we ‘making a living’ or ‘making a difference’?
"Nothing about [you] without [you]"

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