[Repronim-fellows] Please share info on yourOHBM-2024 posters, talks and any other events/activities

Bates, Julianna (Julie) Julianna.Bates at umassmed.edu
Fri Jun 21 17:59:00 EDT 2024

Hi Everybody-

We have a super simple google doc for collecting info on your presentations and activities at OHBM – We’ve already had requests to find out ‘who is doing what and where’ from your fellow Fellows,’ and you all are a dynamic group!

This document should be accessible and editable to any of you (anyone with a link).

Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lKAJFVLjbC6-ASlO1cIwrwDI87vRCZerbGdUtarPR2I/edit?usp=sharing

Just let me know if you have any problem with it.

Thank you!


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