Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience lab BSD License Yes Columbia University NITRC NeuroElf MacOS, Windows, Linux Yes MATLAB Jochen Weber NeuroElf is a Matlab-based toolbox initially created for reading, writing, and processing of BrainVoyager (QX) files in Matlab. Some additional routines are available, such as the scripting of preprocessing using SPM or second-level statistics. The toolbox is freely available. 2014-6-06 4 - Beta NeuroElf v0.9d - prerelease NeuroElf Format Conversion, Statistical Operation, Time Domain Analysis, Workflow, 4 - Beta, MR, End Users, Developers, English, MacOS, Windows, Linux, MATLAB, ANALYZE, AFNI BRIK, NIfTI-1, DICOM, Philips PAR/REC, Other Format, BSD License, Other Software Resource, Schizophrenia, Depression, Tobacco Use Disorder, Parkinson Disease,