Yes NITRC DIAMOND OS Independent Yes Python Samuel Won UC Davis IDeA Lab Applications for Management Of Neuroimaging Data - View dicom files and assemble them into 3D volumes. View and convert between Analyze, Nifti, and Interfile. Classify and organize dicoms and 3D volumes using metadata. Search and report on a collection of scans. 2011-2-14 4 - Beta 1.1.2 DIAMOND MR, ANALYZE, NIfTI-1, End Users, OS Independent, Image Reconstruction, Format Conversion, Image Display, Workflow, Database Application, Algorithm or Reusable Library, Python, X11 Applications, English, 4 - Beta, DICOM, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Crohn Disease, Bipolar Disorder, Parkinson Disease, Depression, Stroke, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Alzheimer Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Autistic Disorder,