Departements E011, E010, E020, E130 BSD/MIT-Style Open Source License Yes German Cancer Research Center NITRC Diffusion MRI - In-vivo and Phantom Data Yes Boris Rivkin This projects is an open-data initiative for the distributation of common datasets for the evaluation and validation of diffusion MRI processing methods. 2017-4-03 Fiber Phantom for Kurtosis Imaging 2017-3-30 Datasets_Isotropic_Diffusion_Phantom_Star_LesionInsert 2017-3-01 MICCAI 2015 datasets for machine learning based tractography (nifti and nrrd) 2015-5-15 MICCAI 2015 datasets for machine learning based tractography 2015-4-01 Ground truth fibers of the replicated FiberCup dataset 2013-8-08 Fiberfox replications of the FiberCup datasets 2012-10-10 DWI data resolution phantoms 2012-10-10 DWI data single fiber string phantoms 2012-10-09 DWI data crossing fiber phantoms Diffusion MRI - In-vivo and Phantom Data MR, BSD/MIT-Style Open Source License, NIfTI-1, Nrrd, Stroke, Crohn Disease, Alzheimer Disease, Hydrocephalus, Depression, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis,