Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratories Yes UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Psychiatry NITRC 3-Dimensional Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Atlas of the Rat Brain In Postnatal Day 5, 14, and Adulthood Yes Josephine Johns 3D DTI anatomical rat brain atlases have been created by the UNC- Chapel Hill Department of Psychiatry and the CAMID research collaboration. There are three age groups, postnatal day 5, postnatal day 14, and postnatal day 72. The subjects were Sprague-Dawley rats that were controls in a study on cocaine abuse and development. The P5 and P14 templates were made from scans of twenty rats each (ten female, ten male); the P72, from six females. The individual cases have been resampled to isotropic resolution, manually skull-stripped, and deformably registered via an unbiased atlas building method to create a template for each age group. Each template was then manually segmented using itk-SNAP software. Each atlas is made up of 3 files, a template image, a segmentation, and a label file. This work was funded by the UNC Neurodevelopment Disorders Research Center HD 03110, the NIH STTR grant R41 NS059095, and the NIH Program Project IP01DA022446-02. 2013-1-24 DTI Rat Atlas at Postnatal Day 72 2013-1-24 DTI Rat Atlas at Postnatal Day 14 2013-1-24 DTI Rat Atlas at Postnatal Day 5 3-Dimensional Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Atlas of the Rat Brain In Postnatal Day 5, 14, and Adulthood MR, Brain Injuries,