Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Yes Semmelweis University & University College London (UCL) NITRC ICN_Atlas OS Independent Yes MATLAB ICN_Atlas is an SPM compatible toolbox that is aimed at facilitating the interpretation of neuroimaging data in the context of intrinsic connectivity networks (ICNs, a.k.a. resting-state networks or RSNs) by describing fMRI maps or other statistical maps in function-oriented, objective and quantitative way using a set of 15 metrics conceived to quantify the degree of ‘engagement’ of ICNs for any given statistical map of interest. Besides functionally-derived atlasing (based on the BrainMap ICN data) the toolbox provides anatomy-based atlasing (based on the JHU and Brainnetome Atlas data), as well. ICN_Atlas was developed by members of the former MR Research Center, and the Department of Neuroradiology, Medical Imaging Centre, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary and the Institute of Neurology, University College London, UK. Original idea: Louis Lemieux, software development: Lajos R Kozak, testing & validation: Louis Andre van Graan, Adam Szabo, Umair J Chaudhary, Azka Sohail and others. 2018-3-06 4 - Beta v1.0 (r20180306) ICN_Atlas Atlas Application, Overlap Metrics, Volumetric Analysis, Visualization, Atlas Data, Statistical Operation, 4 - Beta, MR, PET/SPECT, Domain Independent, Other Environment, Developers, End Users, OS Independent, MATLAB, ANALYZE, NIfTI-1, Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike