RII Freeware Yes UTHSCSA NITRC Mango Windows Vista, SunOS/Solaris, Linux, MacOS, OS Independent, Windows XP Yes Java Michael Martinez Mango is a viewer for medical research images. It provides analysis tools and a user interface to navigate image volumes. There are three versions of Mango, each geared for a different platform: * Mango – Desktop – Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux * webMango – Browser – Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer * iMango – Mobile – Apple iPad Key Features: - Built-in support for DICOM, NIFTI, Analyze, and NEMA-DES formats - Customizable: Create plugins, custom filters, color tables, file formats, and atlases - ROI Editing: Threshold and component-based tools for painting and tracing ROIs - Surface Rendering: Interactive surface models supporting cut planes and overlays - Image Registration: Semi-automatic image coregistration and manual transform editing - Image Stacking: Threshold and transparency-based image overlay stacking - Analysis: Histogram, cross-section, time-series analysis, image and ROI statistics - Processing: Kernel and rank filtering, arithmetic/logic image and ROI calculators 2011-3-15 5 - Production/Stable/Mature iMango 2010-1-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature Current Release Mango MacOS, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Region of Interest, Registration, Statistical Operation, 5 - Production/Stable/Mature, MR, Web Environment, Console (Text Based), Win32 (MS Windows), Other Environment, End Users, Developers, Freeware, English, SunOS/Solaris, Linux, OS Independent, Java, ANALYZE, DICOM, Other Format, NIfTI-1, GIfTI, Temporal Transformation, Websites, Atlas Application, Volumetric Analysis, Surface Analysis, Rendering, Platform or Development Environment, Stroke, Epilepsy, Parkinson Disease, Brain Injuries, Tobacco Use Disorder, Schizophrenia, Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, Autistic Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Dyslexia, Multiple Sclerosis, Anorexia Nervosa, Child Development Disorders, Pervasive, Diabetes Mellitus, Alzheimer Disease, Ataxia, Hypertension, Bulimia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Depression, Aphasia http://www.nitrc.org/projects/mango/, http://ric.uthscsa.edu/mango/ martinezmj@uthscsa.edu